
    Brevin Jordan | Injury Profile

    When reviewing Brevin Jordan’s injury history, I noticed a series of injuries. When examined separating they might not mean much, however together one could argue that a pattern is forming. I elected to dive a little deeper into Jordan’s injury profile because his skillset along with his injury history reminded me of another athletic tight end – Evan Engram.

    Injury History

    • 2018: ankle/foot injury (speculating right) causing Jordan to miss one game
    • 2019: left foot/ankle injury. Missed 4 games
    • 2020 right shoulder injury. Missed 3 games
    • Total of 8 games missed in college

    The Injuries

    (Speculated) Right Ankle Sprain

    Based on what I’ve been able to dig up it looks like Jordan hurt his right ankle in 2018 In the video, it looks like his R foot gets rolled up on (common MOI) in football. It’s hard to know the specifics here because of the camera angle. It could have been a high ankle sprain or a classic inversion ankle sprain. Reports were that x-rays were negative. His return to play timeline would have been helpful for differentiating the injury but Jordan missed the ACC season finale and Miami’s next game was not until 6 weeks later in a bowl game.

    Left Ankle Sprain

    In 2019 Brevin injured his L foot/ankle in the FSU game, but it is unclear when. As a result of this ailment, Jordan missed the last four games of the season – including Miami’s bowl game This 8-week absence makes me speculate it was a possible fracture (but I can’t confirm).

    Right Shoulder Injury

    2020 another tough injury to pin down – reports were not very specific. The length of Jordan’s absence (2 games/3 weeks) suggests either a minor muscle strain or AC Joint sprain.

    Evan Engram Comparison

    Brevin Jordan is athletic and plays like a WR which is what you want in fantasy football. You don’t get points for good blocking. However recent memory has shown sometimes these smaller frame TEs get beat up. I recent example that comes to mind is Evan Engram

    College Metrics

    Evan Engram: 6’3, 235lbs

    Brevin Jordan:  6’3, 245lbs

    Evan Engram also has a history of lower body injuries that caused him to miss 6 games in college (high ankle sprain surgery and hamstring strain) Engram was able to record his 1st fully healthy season in 2020.


    Jordan has been nicked up in college but there aren’t any red flags in his injury profile. From what I could see his injuries were common football injuries.

    If I had to pick out one issue it’s that these slender/WR-type TEs who have a history of the lower body injuries in college can also have carryover to the NFL.

    His injury history could have been the reason that the Brevin Jordan slipped so far in the draft.

    Evan Engram struggled with knee and foot injuries in the NFL and had a similar profile to Jordan.

    If you wish to see the link to the original Twitter thread click HERE.

    For a more in-depth fantasy football-driven breakdown of Brevin Jordan and other rookie prospects, make sure you check out The Undroppables 2021 Rookie Draft Guide.

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